Reserving Space on Campus Just Got Easier

Finding the right reservation form to secure the space you want on campus just got much easier. Based upon feedback from the campus community, the Event Management System team has significantly simplified locating the correct space reservation request form by consolidating the numerous forms.
“There are more than 25,000 users of the space reservation system, and we heard from many that navigating the forms was often challenging,” said Cynthia Hutcherson, campus space senior manager of Capital Planning and Space Management. “Our goal is to improve the user experience by streamlining the process of finding appropriate space reservation forms.”
The guiding principle behind the consolidation is to logically group the request forms into two basic categories — event spaces and classroom spaces — while eliminating as many of the standalone forms as possible. This effort has greatly reduced the total number of reservation forms.
Users of the system will find that most buildings related to event spaces will require completion of the “Event Space” form; whereas, most buildings related to classroom spaces will require completion of the “Classroom Space (available AS IS only)” form. In addition, there will be a separate form for “Outdoor – Large Events,” as well as a separate form for “Display Case, Org. Table, Banner, Tech WW Space.”
Some of the unique forms could not be eliminated due to specific requirements around those reservation processes. The name of the building and space will be clearly noted in the name of these request forms.
For more information concerning the Campus Reservation System, go to the Frequently Asked Questions on the Capital Planning and Space Management website