Welcome, President Barack Obama
Georgia Tech welcomed President Barack Obama on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. Nearly 10,000 students, faculty, staff, and guests packed McCamish Pavilion to hear the president speak about college affordability and announce the Student Aid Bill of Rights.
The President's Speech in Brief
View the full speech: President Obama Announces Student Aid Bill of Rights
President Theodore Roosevelt
October 20, 1905

In his brief remarks to students and faculty, President Theodore Roosevelt stressed the importance of technological education. He said, “America can be the first nation only by just the kind of training and effort, which is developed and is symbolized in institutions of this kind.”
Transcript - remarks to the students of the Georgia School of Technology - October 20, 1905
President-Elect William H. Taft
January 16, 1909
President-elect William H. Taft addressed a crowd of approximately 600 on the Georgia Tech campus and spoke on the importance of character and integrity in the field of engineering.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
November 29, 1935

President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered a dedication speech of Techwood Homes, the nation’s first public housing project, at Grant Field before an estimated audience of 50,000. During his speech, he remembered the day in 1924 when he first came to Warm Springs, Georgia, and he spoke about those days of so-called prosperity in America, when speculators profited before “the crash.”
Transcript - remarks
during the dedication of Techwood Homes - November 29, 1935
- remarks during the dedication of Techwood Homes - November 29, 1935
President Jimmy Carter
February 20 and August 30, 1979

Georgia Tech alumnus Jimmy Carter and his official White House party visited the Georgia Tech campus twice in 1979. In February, President Carter delivered a major foreign policy address in the Alexander Memorial Coliseum and was presented with an honorary doctor of engineering degree along with the Alumni Distinguished Service Award. In August, the president returned to campus to conduct a White House seminar on energy.
Transcript - remarks at Special Convocation of Georgia Tech - February 20, 1979
Transcript - remarks at the Presidential Energy Technology Seminar - August 30, 1979
President William J. Clinton
July 19, 1996

President Bill Clinton addressed the United States Olympic team in the Olympic Village at Georgia Tech. In his remarks, he thanked Georgia Tech President G. Wayne Clough, the people of Atlanta, and Georgia for hosting the Centennial Olympic Games.
Transcript - remarks to the United States Olympic Team - July 19, 1996
President George W. Bush
March 27, 2002

New technologies and training developed by Georgia Tech to help emergency workers improve their response to disasters prompted a visit from President George W. Bush to campus on March 27, 2002. Atlanta area emergency workers and Center for Emergency Response Technology, Instruction, and Policy employees responded to a mock chlorine gas release in an exercise watched by President Bush, Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, Congressman Saxby Chambliss of Moultrie, Georgia, and Georgia Tech President G. Wayne Clough.
Transcript - remarks to first-responders in Atlanta, Georgia - March 27, 2002
Video - remarks to first-responders in Atlanta, Georgia - March 27, 2002