Tech to Recognize Spring Graduates with Online Celebration

Georgia Tech will recognize its Spring 2020 graduates with an online celebration on Friday, May 1, and an in-person ceremony on campus later this year. The uncertain evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to set a specific date for the in-person ceremony. The target time frame is the end of the summer semester. Should that not be possible, the end of fall semester will be considered for the in-person ceremony. There will be as much notice as possible given so you can make plans to attend at that time.
The virtual celebration will engage the entire community in congratulating graduates on their academic achievement. The event will begin at noon with a welcome from the president and deans and will continue throughout the day with student interviews, messages from faculty, staff, and alumni, and opportunities for sharing on social media. Updates to will offer ways to virtually celebrate and participate.
"All of us at Georgia Tech have a deep sense of admiration for our graduating class, among other reasons because we know very well how much it takes to get there. Our graduates deserve to be recognized for this momentous achievement, which means so much to them and to their families,” said President Ángel Cabrera. “Our online celebration does not replace our Commencement exercises but will help mark the completion of a journey. I hope every graduate will consider returning to campus when we stage a live ceremony later this year, as public health guidelines permit.”