Zimbra Email Ends in June, Students to Choose Alternative

Atlanta, GA

By the end of the spring semester, students using Zimbra (also known as MyGaTech) for email, calendar, and contact purposes will need to choose a substitute.

Deadline Approaching for Startup Summer 2016

Atlanta, GA

Startup Summer is an intensive 12-week program during which student teams launch startups based on their ideas and prototypes.

Alumni Entrepreneurship Initiative Offering Student Scholarship

Atlanta, GA

Young entrepreneurs at Georgia Tech have a new opportunity to get resources for their ideas through an alumni-launched venture called The Black Burdell.

Voting Opens Today for the Student Center’s Re(in)novation Referendum

Atlanta, GA

Voting begins today for the Student Center’s Re(in)novation Referendum, which will determine whether students approve of a new mandatory fee to support the renovation and expansion of the Student Center.

Energy Expo Begins Thursday

Atlanta, GA

All members of the Georgia Tech community are invited to attend this event and learn more about the evolution of energy in the Southeast.

Annual Compliance Campaign is Underway

Atlanta, GA

Annual Ethics and Conflict of Interest Compliance Campaign begins March 7. This year, employees must also complete cyber security and Haven for Faculty & Staff training requirements.

Hispanic Students Sought for Undergraduate Recruitment

Atlanta, GA

Applications are now open for the Hispanic Recruitment Team (HRT), a group that works closely with Undergraduate Admission.

Brains Over Brawn: ACC Competition Focuses on Student Entrepreneurship

Atlanta, GA

Students from 15 institutions, including Georgia Tech, compete for $30,000 in prizes at inaugural ACC InVenture Prize

Appeal of Judiciary Decision Raises Questions

Atlanta, GA

Yesterday, President G.P. "Bud" Peterson met with several groups including students, administrators and alumni regarding the decision to lift the sanction of a student organization imposed last fall.

Staff Council, Faculty Governance Seek Committee Volunteers

Atlanta, GA

Both Faculty Governance and Staff Council are looking for volunteers to serve on a number of committees that shape life at Tech.