Advanced Materials Power Next-Generation Molecular Separations

Atlanta, GA

Researchers have identified opportunities for scalable membrane materials.

Climate Change: Potentially Good News on Methane and Peat Carbon

Atlanta, GA

Soil carbon stored in peat bogs may not convert to greenhouse gasses in the face of global warming.

Simple Processing Technique Could Cut Cost of Organic PV and Wearable Electronics


A simple solution-based processing technique could help reduce the cost of polymer solar cells.

Was the Secret Spice in Primal Gene Soup a Thickener?

Atlanta, GA

Searching for the origins of life, researchers add thickener to the broth

Startup Launch - Deadline Announcement!

Atlanta, GA

Startup Launch (formerly known as Startup Summer) is looking for the next great ideas from Tech students for its 2017 program.

Unique Bacterial Chemist in the War on Potatoes

Atlanta, GA

A bacterial warrior the only one of its kind? This enzyme is "wacko" in the ways it breaks down a poison related to TNT.

Addressing Environmental Challenges with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Atlanta, GA

NSF funding to link technologies from Georgia Tech, Smithsonian and IBM to study environment.

Optimization Technique Identifies Cost-Effective Biodiversity Corridors


A new optimization technique could help conservation biologists choose the most cost-effective ways of connecting isolated populations of rare, threatened and endangered species living in protected areas.

Climate Change May Extend Ozone Season in the Southeastern U.S.

Atlanta, GA

Extreme weather conditions associated with climate change may extend the ozone season in the Southeastern United States.

Understanding Rogue Ocean Waves May be Simple After All

Atlanta, GA

A team of scientists has developed a relatively simple mathematical explanation for the rogue ocean waves that can develop seemingly out of nowhere.