12 Moments From 2024
Twelve months, 52 weeks, and 365 days. Over the past year, Georgia Tech photographers have captured as many moments as possible of Tech's vibrant campus life. Here, they each share a few of their favorite snaps from the year. View more of their work on Flickr.

Attendees look through telescopes at an Astronomy Club open house in February. Photo by Rob Felt.

Families gather to view the Spot robot at the Atlanta Science Festival in March. Photo by Joya Chapman.

A graduate student smiles at a goat during Goat Yoga in April. The event was part of Graduate Student Appreciation Week. Photo by Allison Carter.

An attendee looks at the program for When the Whistle Blows in April. Photo by Allison Carter.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm and Atlanta Major Andre Dickens visit the Carbon Neutral Energy Solutions and Food Processing Tech Building at the North Avenue Research Area in April. Photo by Joya Chapman.

A June photo from the research lab of Christopher Bresette, whose team developed a drug that can prevent blood clots from forming. Photo by Rob Felt.

Nelson Baker speaks at the official opening of the College of Lifetime Learning in September, as his wife Dawna looks on. Photo by Allison Carter.

A student takes an unexpected hit while taking a selfie with Buzz at T-Night in August. Photo by Rob Felt.

At the Library, students settle into a new semester in August. Photo by Joya Chapman.

Counselors for the Collegiate Panhellenic Council gather for a group photo after their recruitment picnic in August. Photo by Joya Chapman.

Blue mistflowers bloom at the EcoCommons in November. Photo by Rob Felt.

A person skates across the Klaus Advanced Computing Building’s Binary Bridge in November. Photo by Allison Carter.
Photos by Allison Carter, Joya Chapman, and Rob Felt