Faculty ThinkBig Proposals Due Oct. 7

If you’re a faculty member who has ever thought about submitting a proposal to develop programs for the ThinkBig Program, now is your chance.

If you’re a faculty member who has ever thought about submitting a proposal to develop programs for the ThinkBig Program, now is your chance.

ThinkBig’s living-learning communities are faculty led programs that are jointly run by the Center for Academic Enrichment and the Department of Housing. 

ThinkBig is a great avenue to develop the whole-student, not just their proficiency in your subject area. These faculty-led, theme living-learning programs are unique opportunities to delve into a hobby, topic, or discipline in a new way. And don’t worry, we will pair you with a master’s level professional staff in housing to help you get the lay of the land and to be a co-lead.

“I enjoy participating in ThinkBig because the students are interesting and fun outside (and sometimes in) the classroom, and it gives me a chance to get to know more about their lives,” said Richard Barke, an associate professor in the School of Public Policy. “Faculty usually don't think about dorms, activities, schedules, etc., and I hope to become a better teacher by being more aware of the larger context within which students see their schoolwork and my classes.”  

In addition to getting to know your students better and spending time out of the classroom exploring a topic, faculty leading one of these programs will receive a stipend of $7,500 for a program that has 30 students signed up. The stipend may be increased if additional students sign up, but the enrollment will be capped at a reasonable number of students, depending of the nature of the program. The programs are to span the academic year, Fall 2014 through Spring 2015.

To view descriptions of current programs or apply, visit www.thinkbig.gatech.edu.