Lighting, Landscaping Themes of Annual Safety Walk
Students and administrators, including President G.P. “Bud” Peterson, recently set out on foot to survey safety concerns and needs during the annual Campus Safety Walk.
In addition to the president, staff from Facilities, the Georgia Tech Police Department, Student Affairs, Capital Planning and Space Management, Housing, Campus Services, and other administrative units met students from the Student Government Asssociation at dusk and spent nearly two hours walking campus and discussing potential improvements.
A theme of the evening was lighting, and Facilities staff noted where lights needed to be repaired or added, or where pruning or other landscaping could let more light shine. Other items noted included pedestrian sidewalk hazards, transportation or traffic issues, and general safety concerns. Facilities Associate Vice President Chuck Rhode and his staff will review the list monthly as items are completed.
The safety walk takes place each fall to give students an opportunity to voice concerns directly to administrators who manage areas related to safety. Students, faculty, and staff are able to make landscaping and lighting requests 24/7 at