Students Earn National Awards throughout Spring, Summer
Recent honors and awards earned by Tech students.
Aug 13, 2014
— Atlanta, GA
All year, groups from around the country honor Tech students for their work in and out of the classroom. Here are a few of the accolades earned by the student community this spring and summer:
Honors bestowed upon groups
- Georgia Tech Men's and Women's Swim Teams, College Swimming Coaches Association of America – Scholar All American Status
Honors bestowed upon individual students
- Carly Queen, civil engineering, Dwight Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship
Peter Hylton, city and regional planning, Dwight Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship
Camilo Caballero, international affairs, 2014 Thomas R. Pickering Undergraduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship
Daniella Remolina, civil engineering, Baker Student Fellowship from the American Concrete Institute Foundation
- Alexander Andrews, business administration, NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship
- Shayla Bivins, public policy, John McLendon Minority Postgraduate Scholarship
- Amanda Gartons, public policy, Presidential Management Fellowship
- Dana Jones, public policy, Presidential Management Fellowship