Leadership Fellows Sought Among Faculty, Staff
Their pitch is simple: Develop yourself while developing others.
The Office of Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) in Student Affairs is looking for faculty and staff with a desire to apply their leadership skills in the coaching and development of undergraduate students who want to develop their own leadership potential.
Stacey Doremus, coaching coordinator for LEAD, said the idea of Leadership Fellows started as a way for graduate students to serve as leadership coaches for undergraduates. After the first year, anecdotal feedback suggested a broader campus interest.
“We heard from several faculty and staff members that would like to be involved with undergraduates at this level, and we wanted to open up the opportunity to anyone on campus who is interested,” said Doremus. “Coaching as a developmental tool is being adopted by more and more organizations because of its direct impact on leadership capacity.”
Georgia Tech has emphasized leadership in its current strategic plan, both as one of its enduring values as well as a key component in multiple goals, stating that “leadership development will be infused into the curriculum and culture” of the Institute.
Candidates chosen for Leadership Fellows will receive additional training in leadership and coaching and are expected to give about five hours per week of time to the coaching process.
Doremus recommends prospective applicants seek supervisor permission before applying. Applications must be completed online by Sept. 3.