Apply to Diversity and Inclusion Fellows Program
If you are interested in working with a group of faculty, students, post-doctoral fellows, and staff to foster a community of diversity and inclusion at Georgia Tech, apply for the 2016-17 Diversity and Inclusion Fellows Program.
This program will help participants push their action, research, or teaching objectives forward while contributing to diversity and inclusivity on campus.
The main question driving this program is: What are engagement, teaching, or research initiatives and workplace practices that leverage our capacities as individuals to contribute to improving diversity and inclusivity on campus?
All Georgia Tech students, faculty, staff, and postdoctoral fellows are eligible to apply. Each applicant should have an objective that will contribute to furthering diversity and inclusion in their unit, division, or at the Institute level. The program is seeking fellows who have been immersed in the topics of inclusivity and diversity as well as those who come from a unique field with a new perspective.
Applications are due Oct. 28 at 5 p.m. and the program will run through July 1, 2017. Individual objectives are due by July 1, 2017, and will then be shared with the campus community. Participants are expected to contribute to a group project and attend a total of six meetings throughout the year.
The application should include a brief statement about an interest in becoming a fellow, a brief description of an individual objective, a resume or CV, and a letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor if the applicant is a postdoctoral fellow or graduate student.
Applications will be collected through T-square. For more information and application instructions, read the full call for applications (pdf).