Polls Closing for Student Government Elections

Undergraduates can vote until 5 p.m. on Friday, while graduate students have until 5 p.m. on Monday.

Polls are open for both undergraduate and graduate Student Government Association (SGA) elections. Undergraduate students have until 5 p.m. on Friday, March 26, to vote, and graduate students have until 5 p.m. on Monday, March 29. All voting can be done at elections.gatech.edu.

Undergraduate students have four items to vote on: the undergraduate presidential ticket, members of the Undergraduate House of Representatives (UHR), a proposed constitutional amendment, and a referendum on changing the fight song. Two teams are running for the presidential ticket: Sam Ellis and Ajanta Choudhury and Kyle Smith and Salmata Barrie for president and vice president, respectively. Seats in UHR are broken down by academic major, class/year, and special constituencies, including transfer and international students.

The constitutional amendment, if passed, would allow for amendments to the undergraduate SGA’s constitution to pass with either 2/3 of the student body’s votes or 3/4 of UHR’s votes. The amendment requires 2/3 of the votes cast in this election to pass. Full details can be found here.

Both undergraduate and graduate students can vote on the referendum on changes to the fight song. The change would switch a word in the second verse of “Ramblin’ Wreck.” Instead of saying, “If I had a daughter, sir / I’d dress her in white and gold / and put her on the campus / to cheer the brave and bold” to “If I had a daughter, sir / I’d dress her in white and gold / and put her on the campus / to join the brave and bold.”

Finally, graduate students can also vote on the graduate presidential ticket. The only pair running is Stephen Eick for president and Paulino “PJ” Jarquin for executive vice president. Elections for the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) will be held in the fall.

Learn more about the responsibilities of each SGA position on the organization’s website.

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