Team Leaders Sought for Summer GT 1000, GT 2000 Courses

GT1000 Summer 2021 Class
The GT 1000/GT 2000 Program is recruiting Team Leaders (TL) for GT 1000 (First-Year Student Seminar) and GT 2000 (Transfer Student Seminar) Summer 2022 iGniTe courses. First-year iGniTe students are admitted to begin classes in the late short summer term and are required to take GT 1000/2000.
GT 1000/2000 courses introduce newly accepted first-year and transfer students to campus and support their successful transition to college. The 75-minute classes meet twice a week and are taught by faculty and staff volunteers, with upperclass students volunteering as Team Leaders.
TLs receive no pay or academic credit, but as mentors and campus leaders, they make an impact on incoming students by helping them adjust to life at Georgia Tech and pursue their paths to success. Team Leaders work closely with instructors and serve as an additional contact and source of support for students.
All students are eligible to apply, even if they have not taken a GT 1000/2000 course themselves. Applications close Friday, May 27.
Late short summer classes begin June 22 and end July 22. All GT 1000/2000 classes meet in person.
For more information or questions, contact