Commemorating and Celebrating Memorial Day in Atlanta

Student observing art display on campus. Photo by Allison Carter
This weekend, to remember those who lost their lives in service, events in the Tech community and around Atlanta have been planned for the Memorial Day holiday.
On Thursday, May 26, the Veterans Resource Center will host an open house from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Veterans Resource Center, located in the Biotech Quad. There will be displays and information about Tech’s military history.
An alumni recognition ceremony will take place later that day from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Alumni House.
With campus closed Monday, May 30, the long weekend is a chance to both pay tribute to those who have served and to enjoy a day off. Several events around Atlanta will allow those who are staying in and around Atlanta this weekend to do both.
Brew at the Zoo
Saturday, May 28
Zoo Atlanta
For those of age, Brew at the Zoo opens up the zoo in the evening and lets you imbibe while enjoying Zoo Atlanta’s animals in their habitats. General admission tickets are still available.
Atlanta Jazz Festival
May 28-30
Piedmont Park
This is the 45th annual celebration of one of the largest free jazz festivals in the country. Enjoy music and festivities from artists from all over the world.
Memorial Day Weekend at Stone Mountain Park
May 27-30
Stone Mountain Park
Festivities at Stone Mountain Park will include tributes to troops, plus four nights of fireworks and the Lasershow Spectacular.
Summer Bash at the Children’s Museum
May 28-29
Children’s Museum of Atlanta
While there is always fun to be had at the museum, this weekend will include extra games, art activities, and dance parties.
Local Tributes
Monday, May 30
Several local cities will host tributes to those who have died in service to the United States. A few include: