Van Leer Chilled Water Project Underway

The Van Leer Chilled Water Project will be actively under construction until early November.
pic of logistics plan for Van Leer Chilled Water Connection

pic of logistics plan for Van Leer Chilled Water Connection

The Van Leer Chilled Water Project is underway. Please note the following details:

  1. Daily work hours are 6:00AM to 3:30PM.
  2. Estimated completion date of Thursday, November 10th.
  3. Construction activities include saw cutting / removal of asphalt and excavation work for installation of new chilled water piping.
  4. Schedule is weather permitting and subject to change.
  5. Sidewalk closure signage will be provided at both ends of the pedestrian walkway. Construction signage will be posted at regular intervals along the temporary fencing.

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