Charitable Campaign is Underway

When it comes to charitable giving, every dollar donated to the Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program (GASCCP) helps a worthy cause. There are more than 700 local, state, and national nonprofit organizations to which employees can contribute. This year’s theme is “Making a Difference in Georgia.” The campaign runs through Nov. 16.
“Please consider joining with others at Georgia Tech by making a contribution,” said Valerie Thomas, campaign chair. “This year's charity list includes local charities from across the regions of Georgia, as well as national and international charities. Find one that you like and give it your support.”
The GASCCP is a benefit for State of Georgia and University System employees that allows contributions to the charity of choice through payroll deductions or a one-time donation.
Giving online through OneUSG Connect is the preferred method because it is confidential, secure, and simple to use.
To contribute:
· Log in to OneUSG Connect and select “Make SCCP Contribution” on the “State Charitable Contributions Program” button in the upper left of the Employee Self Service screen.
· Select “Make Charitable Campaign Pledge” and follow the instructions.
· Choose “Payroll Deduction” to set up the amount you choose to pledge in equal installments. Deductions will begin January 2023.
· If you would rather download a pledge form, you can complete it and submit with your check to your unit ambassador or to Valerie Thomas at 415 Groseclose, ISyE.
Additional details about the campaign can be found at