Tech Launches New Virtual Campus Tour

Tech's virtual campus tour launched on Aug. 14 and features 360-degree views of iconic spots across campus.
Through a partnership among Enrollment Management, Institute Communications, Housing and Residence Life, and Athletics, the Georgia Institute of Technology launched the YouVisit Virtual Campus Tour on Aug. 14.
This resource continues the Institute’s dedication to increasing access across Georgia and the world. The tour allows anyone to experience campus from where they are, tour at their own pace, and experience an in-depth look at Tech in an engaging and informative experience.
"We are excited to not only showcase our beautiful campus but to also continue to make strides in accomplishing our goals of expanding access and amplifying impact,” said Becky Tankersley, director of communications for Enrollment Management. “This virtual tour platform enables every unit on campus to provide a glimpse into life at Tech. In addition to helping recruit prospective students to Tech, the new virtual tour will help high school counselors, K-12 partnerships, faculty and staff recruitment, and collaboration with other stakeholders such as alumni, community relations, and corporate partners.”
With the new virtual tour technology, it has never been easier for prospective students to explore the Tech campus. The tool adds to existing in-person campus tour options, which can be scheduled online, and supplements the virtual information sessions.
As part of this YouVisit Virtual Campus Tour, along with the imagery of campus, a tour guide reads essential information about the campus, with interactive icons at each location offering users the option to click and launch videos and photos of associated traditions and campus activities.
“YouVisit is a great marketing tool for campus to not only highlight our facilities but to immerse students and their families in the various experiences they can have across our community,” said Niccole Coleman, director of Marketing Communications Consulting in Institute Communications.
With 360-degree interactive views, the tour allows a visit to the Georgia Tech campus from anywhere in the world. From the iconic Tech Tower to the West Campus residence halls and everywhere in between, visitors can learn more about the campus when an in-person visit isn’t possible or practical.
“It takes the whole campus to do something like this,” said Andrew Cohen, associate director for Guest Experience in the Office of Undergraduate Admission. “We appreciate the support from all of our campus partners who opened their doors to show us their spaces as part of this tour.”
Access the tour here.