‘Absolutely Transformative’ Gift Expands Pathways to Policy Program in D.C.

Students in the GTDC: Pathways to Policy program pose for a photo with the Washington Monument in the backgroumd.
Georgia Tech’s School of Public Policy is set to create a new generation of sustainable energy and environmental management leaders in Washington, D.C., thanks to the generous support of Brook Byers, EE 1968, HON Ph.D. 2016, and the Byers family.
The family’s significant gift will support the GTDC: Pathways to Policy program and sustainable energy and environmental management studies, allowing for the creation of the Byers Family Pathways to Policy Fellowships. The fellowships will cover tuition for 18 public policy graduate students over three years and provide a stipend to support them during a year-long internship with a governmental, nonprofit, or private-sector organization in D.C.
“This gift is absolutely transformative,” said Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Tom and Marie Patton Chair in the School of Public Policy. “This experience expands the School’s profile in D.C, but more importantly will allow these students to build networks, earn a seat at the table in Washington, and utilize the strong education they’ve received here at Georgia Tech in future policymaking.”
Like the existing GTDC program for Tech undergraduates, students chosen for the Byers Family Fellowship will benefit from opportunities to connect with alumni and policymakers in Washington, gain valuable work experience, integrate scholarship and policymaking, and explore public service as a possible career path.
The graduate program will focus on climate change, one of the greatest threats to global society.
“These public policy graduate students will bring their Georgia Tech training and discipline to government agencies, Congress, and administrations to advocate for innovation in regulations, legislation, and decisions that can have high-leverage effects in energy and sustainability going forward,” Byers said. “Our family has been very impressed with the achievements and impact of Professor Marilyn Brown and others at Tech.”
Graduate students in the School of Public Policy who are studying sustainable energy and environmental management issues will be eligible to apply for the highly selective fellowships beginning in January 2024.
For more information about making a gift in support of graduate fellowships, contact Senior Associate Vice President for Major Gifts and Next Generation Philanthropy Jim Hall at jim.hall@dev.gatech.edu.