Reminders Before Election Day

Early Voting took place at the John Lewis Student Center on Oct. 24-25.
Election Day, Nov. 5, is just around the corner.
Georgia Tech encourages full participation in the electoral process. The Institute recently earned a gold seal in the All In Campus Democracy Challenge, which empowers colleges and universities to achieve excellence in nonpartisan student democratic engagement.
Policies and Campus Resources
Per section of the USG’s general personnel policies, employees are encouraged to exercise their constitutional right to vote in all federal, state, and local elections. Per section 4.1.3 of the USG’s general Student Affairs policy, students are also encouraged to vote in all federal, state, and local elections. A student whose class schedule would otherwise prevent them from voting will be permitted and excused absence for the interval reasonably required for voting.
Employees should be mindful of policy, which calls for employees to engage in political activities or political expression only in their personal capacity. USG employees are prohibited from using state property, resources, or materials (including work email) or work time to communicate personal political views or in conjunction with any political campaigning. View an infographic about political activity in the workplace and more information from Human Resources.
Meanwhile, Georgia Tech remains a place that promotes freedom of expression. Learn more about related resources.
Additional campus resources related to voting information are available at