Tiny insects known as sharpshooters excrete by catapulting urine drops at incredible accelerations. Their excretion is the first example of superpropulsion discovered in a biological system.
An international, collaborative team of researchers shed light on how fungi and plant roots work together to gather nutrients — and how the diversity of plant species may impact the process.
Faculty with ties to Turkey and earthquake research are closely monitoring the situation.
Their work reveals what goes wrong within the cells’ interface layers.
Researchers investigate how trees have moved across geography over time, where they’re heading, and why it’s important.

YJSP crew poses with their rocket after a successful launch

Earlier this month, the Yellow Jacket Space Program launched the largest rocket ever constructed by Georgia Tech students with eyes on becoming the first collegiate space team to reach space.
Georgia Tech experts are at the forefront of technology and research that could revamp clean energy infrastructure in our state.
Daniel Matisoff's book traces the curve of ecolabel adoption in the building market, revealing how it has transformed the economy and construction industry to achieve green market transformation.
Georgia Tech strives to be a leader in climate action across the Institute’s operational, educational, research, and economic development missions.
With freezing temperatures and wind chills below zero, this could be the coldest weekend Atlanta has had in years.