Study of Fossilized Shells Finds Little Evidence of Icebergs’ Influence on Ice Age Ocean Circulation

Atlanta, GA

Scientists have thought that large iceberg surges disrupted a key ocean circulation pattern during the last North American ice age, but a new study found little evidence of a disruption during some of the major iceberg surges.

Soil Microbes Alter DNA in Response to Warming

Atlanta, GA

Scientists studying grasslands in Oklahoma have discovered that an increase of 2 degrees Celsius in the air temperature above the soil creates significant changes to the microbial ecosystem underground.

High Levels of Molecular Chlorine Found in Arctic Atmosphere

Atlanta, GA

Scientists studying the atmosphere above Barrow, Alaska, have discovered unprecedented levels of molecular chlorine in the air, a new study reports.

Evidence found for granite on Mars

Atlanta, GA

Researchers now have stronger evidence of granite on Mars and a new theory for how the granite – an igneous rock common on Earth -- could have formed there, according to a new study. The findings suggest a much more geologically complex Mars than pre

Methane-Munching Microorganisms Meddle with Metals

Atlanta, GA

A pair of microbes on the ocean floor “eats” methane in a unique way, and a new study provides insights into their surprising nutritional requirements.