This Matrix Delivers Healing Stem Cells to Injured Elderly Muscles

Atlanta, GA

Elderly accident victims and Duchene muscular dystrophy sufferers could someday benefit from this stem cell hydrogel successfully tested in mice.

Material Formed from Crab Shells and Trees Could Replace Flexible Plastic Packaging

Atlanta, GA

STAMI Researchers have created a material derived from crab shells and tree fibers that has the potential to replace the flexible plastic packaging used to keep food fresh.

Material Formed from Crab Shells and Trees Could Replace Flexible Plastic Packaging

Atlanta, GA

Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have created a material derived from crab shells and tree fibers that has the potential to replace the flexible plastic packaging used to keep food fresh.

Shaping Leaders through the Great Outdoors: Meet David Knobbe

Atlanta, GA

As the assistant director of Outdoor Recreation at the Campus Recreation Complex (CRC), David Knobbe enjoys seeing Tech students grow and find their way.

As We Get Parched, Cognition Can Sputter, Dehydration Study Says

Atlanta, GA

Summer heat fuzzing your concentration? Making you fumble? It may be dehydration.

Bacterial Conversations in Cystic Fibrosis

Atlanta, GA

Georgia tech researchers obtain benchmark data for the impact of spatial arrangement in bacterial signaling in a cystic fibrosis model.

In Child-Crippling Mucolipidosis IV, Drug Shows Hope in Lab Cultures

Atlanta, GA

Tests show initial hopes in the fight against Mucolipidosis IV, a rare but extremely crippling disease that strikes in infancy.


Atlanta, GA

Memories are essential for survival; understanding how the brain keeps these records is critical.

Chemical Octopus Catches Sneaky Cancer Clues, Trace Glycoproteins

Atlanta, GA

Tiny cancer signals of the glycoprotein sort evade detection, but they'll have a hard time dodging the new "chemical octopus."

Remote-Control Shoots Laser at Nano-Gold to Turn on Cancer-Killing Immune Cells

Atlanta, GA

A near-infrared light, similar to that of a TV remote, combines with gold nano-particles to flip a gene switch in T-cells to hyper-activate them inside of tumors.