Hearing snap, crackle, pop may help heal your knee
Atlanta, GA
New acoustic device research reveals even a healthy knee makes cringeworthy sounds. But the audio can be turned into graphs, and researchers hope they will some day become medically useful.
Common Nanoparticle has Subtle Effects on Oxidative Stress Genes
Atlanta, GA
A nanoparticle commonly used in food and other products can have subtle effects on the activity of genes expressing enzymes that address oxidative stress inside two types of cells.
People in Food Deserts Eat Much Differently than the Rest of America
Atlanta, GA
A social media study uncovers what people eat, depending on their proximity to grocery stores.
“Bursting” Cells Gain the Brain’s Attention for Life-or-Death Decisions
Atlanta, GA
Researchers have for the first time precisely manipulated the bursting activity of cells in the thalamus.
NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award Funds Pulmonary Fibrosis Research
Atlanta, GA
The NIH has awarded $3.5 million to develop new techniques for tracking and treating pulmonary fibrosis.
Georgia Tech Celebrates EBB Opening
Atlanta, GA
New Engineered Biosystems Building advances biosciences, bioengineering research
Cooperation among viral variants helps Hepatitis C survive immune system attacks
Atlanta, GA
A new study suggests that the Hepatitis C virus may use decoy viral variants to distract the body's natural defenses.
New device captures metastasis-associated circulating tumor cell clusters
Atlanta, GA
A new microfluidic device for capturing rare circulating tumor cells (CTCs) is the first designed specifically to capture clusters of two or more cells.
Novel tool captures total body SIV replication
Atlanta, GA
A new collaboration has led to the development of a non-invasive method to image simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) replication in real-time, in vivo.
Pre-Health Conference Prepares Students for Careers in Health Care
Atlanta, GA
The American Medical Students Association will host 9th annual pre-health conference.