In research published by the Harvard Business Review, Maryam Alavi examined how generative AI can transform knowledge work and how workers can begin using generative AI tools wisely.
TechSAge recently received a $4.6 million grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research to support another five years of work — the project’s third five-year grant.
Interest in role-playing games has exploded since the Covid-19 pandemic. A growing gamer base spurs discussion about why inclusive gaming is important and how it can help people claim space in the real world.
Ecohorror has given modern audiences an imaginative way to grapple not only with our primal fear of nature — but also with our complicated feelings about humanity’s impact on the environment.
Cybersecurity master’s student Sneha Talwalkar and GTRI Principal Research Scientist Courtney Crooks are working to build the framework of an AI tool with the goal of providing support and protection to domestic abuse survivors.