Enterprise 6 Internship Cohort Completes 2024 Session

Seven students from Georgia universities worked on dynamic economic development projects this summer.

Georgia Tech Commits to Doubling Educational Reach

New College of Lifetime Learning expands offerings from K-12 through professional education.

Engineering Curriculum Drives STEM Engagement Across Georgia

Middle-schoolers who were taught using a Georgia Tech-developed engineering curriculum scored better than their peers on math and science achievement tests, following a pilot program with the Griffin-Spalding County School System.

Tech Connections Attract New Social Media Tenant

Georgia Tech's growth-and-scaling hub, Encore, has attracted a new tenant called Fanbase which is an up-and-coming social media app

Georgia Tech’s Economic Impact Reaches Record $5.3 Billion for Fiscal Year 2023

Georgia Tech’s record $5.3 billion economic impact for 2023 underscores its leading role in driving Georgia's economic growth and job creation, with the highest state impact and employment contribution.

Defining Smart City Digital Twins

A Q&A with two Georgia Tech experts in civil and environmental engineering and city infrastructure analytics.

Enterprise Innovation Institute Hosts Foreign Entrepreneurs Through U.S. State Department Program

Entrepreneurs are on campus to learn how to scale and develop viable ecosystems for startup success.

Nakia Melecio to Lead Innovation Lab Effort at Enterprise Innovation Institute

Melecio will focus on economic development for life sciences and biosciences.

Science Square Ushers in New Era of Research

First phase of innovation district promises to encourage medical advances, drive economic growth, and inspire future generations

David Bridges Receives Fulbright Specialist Award to Slovak Republic at Digital Coalition

Program pairs U.S. academics and professionals with institutions abroad to share expertise, strengthen relations, hone skills, gain international experience, and learn about other cultures.